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Sweetheart Stories

Nicole Geeting '02 & Preston Geeting '02

Featured photo for Nicole Geeting It was two days into Freshman orientation, 1998. I had just come back from dance team try-outs when this handsome, tall drink of water was at my door asking for my signature to run for dorm representative. I signed, batted my eyelashes, and tried to carry out our conversation as long as possible. We quickly became friends, eating together in the caf and hanging out in Mt. Clef until the wee hours. That November, on a park bench in Kingsmen Park, Preston Geeting asked me to be his girlfriend. We sat there for hours, gazing at the stars and err, talking. That was the first night of the rest of my life. We continued dating all through college, I even convinced Preston to be my stunt partner while I was a CLU cheerleader. A decision he may regret now as we all love to remind him of his cheerleading years. We got engaged the spring of our senior year. 20 years, 2 kids, and 3 dogs later we are still going strong. This spring will be our 16th wedding anniversary. I am more in love with Preston than ever and will forever be grateful for that bench in Kingsmen Park.

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