Sweetheart Stories
Jill Urbach '90 & Andy Urbach '89

I like to tell people that Andy and I were each others’ first stage kiss. We met doing a scene for the CLU Stage Directing class. (I usually leave out the part about having a crush on the other guy in the scene.) But that little project led to a friendship and eventual courtship centered around Cal Lu’s theatre department. In the black box that was the Little Theatre, we fell in love as we danced and sang together, analyzed Chekhov and Shakespeare, and shared the misery of rehearsing a scene one. more. time. before rushing home to finish a paper due at 8AM. Andy and I married in Samuelson Chapel in 1992. Campus pastor and fellow actor, Mark Knudsen, officiated. One of our favorite pictures from the reception is of us with all the CLU folks, most of them dear friends from the theatre department. Twenty-eight years and two children later, Andy and I continue our love of theatre—and each other—that began at Cal Lu. We are currently playing opposite each other in the stage musical Mamma Mia.