Nicole Talarico, PhD
Lecturer in the Psychology Department
(805) 493-3440
SWEN 211
Dr. Talarico (Stanoff) has a background in Developmental Psychology, with an emphasis in adolescent development. Her research focuses on examining the relationship between parent-child relationships (e.g. parent-child communication, parent-child respect, parent-child closeness) and adolescent outcomes (e.g. high risk sexual behavior, academic achievement, and well-being).
Ph.D., Developmental Psychology (March 2010)
University of California, Riverside
Dissertation: Parent-Adolescent Sexual Communication and Adolescent Cognitive Processes on Sexual Risk among European American Female Adolescents
M.A., Psychology (June 2006)
University of California, Riverside
B.A., Psychology/Child Development (May 2004)
California State University,Chico, Magna Cum Laude
Dr. Talarico teaches courses for the undergraduate Psychology courses in areas of Child and Adolescent Development, Adult Development and Aging, Research Design and Statistics Parts I and II, Abnormal Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Theories of Personality, and Positive Psychology. Additionally, she teaches courses areas of Research Synthesis and Evaluation, Lifespan Development, and Cultural Diversity for the Graduate Psychology Program with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy.
Coyle, K., Franks, H.M., Glassman, J.R., & Stanoff, N.M., (2012). Condom Use: Slippage,breakage, and steps for proper use among adolescents in alternative school lettings. Journal of School Health, 82, 345-352.
Chao, R.K., Kanatsu A., Stanoff, N., Padmawidjaja, I., & Aque, C. (2009).Diversities in Meaning and Practice: The Parental Involvement of Asian Immigrants. In N. Hill & R. Chao (Eds.), Family school relations during adolescence: Linking interdiscplinary research policy, and practice. New York:Teacher's College Press.
Grant Funding