This session will explore student lead research that focuses on identifying the challenges faced by Cal Lutheran student-athletes. Furthermore, students will present a poster that summarizes the main points of recent NCAA regulations in the field of Name, Image, and Likeness that authorize student-athletes to monetize their image.
Student Abstracts
The Effect of Self-Talk on Athletes' Self-Efficacy, Apprasial of Stress and Performance Considering Self-Esteem
This study seeks to gain a better understanding on the effects of self-talk on perceived performance, self-efficacy, and appraisal of stress, while considering whether participants self-reported a high or low self-esteem in regard to how they view themselves as athletes. It was hypothesized that positive self-talk would result in higher levels of self-efficacy, a more optimistic perception of performance, and a more positive appraisal of stressors as compared to no self-talk and negative/neutral self-talk conditions. This was hypothesized to remain true for high self-esteem individuals, but low-self esteem individuals were predicted to report lower scores from positive self-talk when compared to high self-esteem individuals. This study was exclusive to Collegiate Student Athletes, with 107 athletes from various institutions and grade levels. 57.5% of respondents played on a Women’s team, as compared to 42.5% being on a Men’s team. Participants completed an adjusted self-esteem scale before being randomly assigned to one of three scenarios depicting either no self-talk, neutral/negative self-talk, or positive self-talk; after which they responded to questions relating to the scenarios, finishing the survey by answering manipulation check questions, demographic questions and a debrief. This study did not find statistical significance for differences between self-talk conditions and the responses given by participants, and did not find self-esteem to be a moderator. This study opens the door for future research investigating factors affecting perception of performance, self-efficacy, and appraisal of stressors, as these are vital aspects of competing at the highest level of athletics.