The Marital and Family Therapy program requires the following courses and prerequisites:
- At least 3 credit hours of statistics
- Additional 9 credit hours of undergraduate or graduate psychology courses
Program Curriculum
The 60-credit curriculum requires the successful completion of the following courses. View course descriptions in the official course catalog.
- PSYC 510 Psychopathology (3)
- PSYC 512 Systems of Counseling and Psychotherapy (3)
- PSYC 515 Survey of Psychopharmacology (2)
- PSYC 516 Counseling Skills (2)
- PSYC 517 Lifespan Human Development (3)
- PSYC 518 Gender and Sexuality (3)
- PSYC 520 Law and Ethics (2)
- PSYC 522 Cultural Diversity (2)
- PSYC 524 Substance Abuse and Dependency (3)
- PSYC 526 Domestic Violence and Abuse (2)
- PSYC 530 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interviewing (3)
- PSYC 534 Group Therapy (2)
- PSYC 540 Principles and Techniques in Child Therapy (3)
- PSYC 541 Principles and Techniques in Adolescent Therapy (3)
- PSYC 542 Principles and Techniques in Couples Therapy (3)
- PSYC 543 Principles and Techniques in Family Therapy (3)
- PSYC 550 Survey of Psychological Testing (3)
- PSYC 561 Research Synthesis and Evaluation (3)
- PSYC 591 Counseling Practicum I (2) *
- PSYC 592 Counseling Practicum II (2) *
- PSYC 593 Counseling Practicum III (2) *
Elect one specialization
(2 courses = 6 credits)
In addition to the completion of the aforementioned courses, students are required to take a comprehensive exam.
*Disclosure Notice: Students are required to successfully complete a Live Scan background check at their own expense prior to commencing their practicum. This step will be completed in the Spring semester before they start practicum. Failure to complete the background check by the designated deadline will result in the inability to begin the practicum.
Individuals with prior convictions may encounter substantial challenges in securing clinical placements, employment, and professional licensure. Additionally, such circumstances may lead to withdrawal from the program.