About Us
The Center for Economics of Social Issues (CESI) in its original form as, “The Center for Leadership and Values (CLV),” was co-founded by Dr. Charles Maxey, former Dean and Professor of Management and Dr. Jamshid Damooei, Professor of Economics in the School of Business at California Lutheran University in 1999.
The Center has made strides to explore economic aspects of social progress, health and human rights, demographic environments, and other important issues within the surrounding communities.
Fulfilling its mission, the Center hosts prominent speakers, executes relevant research, and serves as a clearinghouse and resource center.
Contact Us
Center for Economics of Social Issues
School of Management
60 W. Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 805-493-3360
Email: cesi@CalLutheran.edu

Professor of Economics
Phone: 805-493-3357
Email: damooei@CalLutheran.edu
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