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Affording a Dignified Life on The Central Coast of California

Affording a Dignified Life on The Central Coast of California

The Center for Economics of Social Issues (CESI) invites you to its upcoming conference, which will highlight the release of a comprehensive study on the challenges of living with dignity along California’s Central Coast. Come and see what is going on around you. Register now to engage in this vital community conversation.

Jamshid Damooei, PhD, professor of economics and executive director of CESI, will be the presenter. The panel will be moderated by Sabith Khan, PhD, director Cal Lutheran's Master of Public Policy and Administration program. The conference will run from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and will include breakfast and lunch. 

Registration is required. Standard tickets are $50. Cal Lutheran faculty, staff and students may attend free.

For more information, visit the website or contact Rosie baker at


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Center for Economics of Social Issues


Rosie Baker

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