Provost's 2012 Grant Recipient and Author Honorees
- Rob Rumer – from the Southern California Chapter of the American Association of Physics Teachers.
- California Lutheran University – from Council for Independent Colleges for NetVUE Regional Gathering.
- Center for Economic Research and Forecasting – contracts for economic research and forecasting.
- Adina Nack & Sam Thomas – from McCune Foundation for the Sarah W. Heath Center for Equality and Justice’s screening of the film “Which Way Home.”
- Christine Opzeeland – from Ventura County Community Foundation for “Puente Hacia El Exito.”
- Grady Hanrahan and Craig Reinhart – from the Hugh and Hazel Darling Center for applied scientific computing.
- Grady Hanrahan and Haco Hoang – from The California Wellness Foundation for “Promoting Environmental Justice in Oxnard, Ventura County: Integrating Science Into Civic Engagement.”
- Karen Renick – from the French American Cultural Exchange for the Tournées Festival.
- Tim Hengst – from the City of Thousand Oaks and the City of Westlake Village for the Kingsmen Shakespeare Company.
- Maura Martindale – from the U.S. Dept. of Education for “Preparing Teachers for Today’s California Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.”
- Maureen Reilly Lorimer – from Target’s Arts & Culture in School program for arts-based professional development for Rio Elementary School District teachers.

Provost Leanne Neilson congratulates Christine Opzeeland (Upward Bound Programs) on
her grant to assist Upward Bound students.

Dean George Petersen recognizes Dr. Maura Martindale (Graduate School of Education)
for her grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

Provost Leanne Neilson commends Dr. Adina Nack (Sociology) and Dr. Sam Thomas (Religion)
on a grant for the Center for Equality and Justice.
- Arnold Dahlke – Succession Planning for Dummies
- Beverly Merrill Kelley – Realpolitik Ideologies in Political Film
- Carla Walter – Black Social Dance in Television Advertising: An Analytical History
- Christine Sellin – Crossing Boundaries and Transforming Identities, New Perspectives in Netherlandic Studies
- Colleen Ryan – Introductory Statistics: Exploring the world through data
- Diana Stephens – Culturally Proficient Collaboration: Use and Misuse of School Counselors
- Grady Hanrahan – Key Concepts in Environmental Chemistry
- Joan Blacher – Lethal Lake
- Larkin Higgins – Of Materials, Implements
- Reese Halter – The Insatiable Bark Beetle
- Sam Thomas – A Teacher for All Generations: Essays in Honor of James C. VanderKam on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
- Tim Hengst – Surgical Anatomy of the Ocular Adnexa: A Clinical Approach; and Berek and Novak's Gynecology (15th edition)
- Walter Stewart – Friedrich Nietzsche, My Sister and I: Investigation, Analysis, Interpretation

Professor Emeritus Joan Blacher with several of her publications.

Professor Tim Hengst with a work he illustrated.

Dr. Diana Stephens with her recently published book.