Provost's 2014 Grant Recipient and Author Honorees
- Rachel Casas, Grady Hanrahan, Haco Hoang – from The California Wellness Foundation for “Measuring the Impact of Pesticide Exposure on Neurobehavioral Outcomes of Community Residents in Ventura County, California.”
- Center for Economic Research and Forecasting – contracts with Aera Energy LLC, Waterman Gardens, and Southern California Association of Governments for economic research and forecasting.
- Tim Hengst – from City of Thousand Oaks and City of Westlake Village for the Kingsmen Shakespeare Educational Tour.
- Sergio Galvez – from Edison International for “STEMing Your Education.”
- David Marcey, Nitya Jocob (Emory University) and Alix Fink (Longwood College) – from the National Science Foundation for “A Vision for Change: Using an ATP (Ambassador Training Program) to Energize Departmental Transformation.”
- Nelson Pizarro – from Ventura County Community Foundation for the Veterans Entrepreneurship Institute.
- Christine Sellin – from Nederlandse Taalunie, The Hague, for “Early Modern Handwriting/Archival Strategies Workshop, Historians of Netherlandish Art Conference 2014.”
- John Tannaci – from Amgen for a summer research fellow.

Provost Leanne Neilson congratulates Dr. Rachel Casas, Dr. Haco Hoang, and Dr. Grady
Hanrahan on their grant to research the effect of pesticides on farmworkers.

Provost Leanne Neilson commends Temo Solorio, Chris Opzeeland, Katie Pierce, Imelda
Fernandez, Dorina Padilla, and Sergio Galvez from CLU's 3 Upward Bound Programs.
- Joan Blacher – Death on the Run
- Madelynn Dickerson – The Handy Art History Answer Book
- Larkin Higgins – in an attempt to empty the square; and Of Traverse and Templates
- Kyle Johnson – Jesus Is a Rock in a Weary Land
- Beverly Kelley – The Oldest Cold Case in Port Cabrillo
- Robert Meadows – Understanding Violence and Victimization (6th edition)
- Marja Mogk – Different Bodies: Essays on Disability in Film and Television
- Carl Oliver – Business Ethics: The Path to Certainty
- Dru Pagliassotti – Clockwork Lies: Iron Wind
- Mindy Puopolo – Personal Peacefulness: Psychological Perspectives
- Walter Stewart – Sweet Deadly Dreams

Dr. Robert Meadows with his recently published booked.

Dean Joan Griffin congratulates Dr. Dru Pagliassoti on her new novel.

Professor emeritus Dr. Beverly Kelley with her book.