Preparing students for doctoral studies

Program Benefits

As a McNair Scholar, you will:

  • Be part of a special community of scholars at Cal Lutheran and across the nation. As a McNair Scholar, you will be part of a highly-prestigious program known for academic excellence.
  • Receive financial support. McNair Scholars receive stipends during the Summer Research Fellowship.
  • Receive free housing and meals during the Summer Research Fellowship.
  • Establish a relationship with a faculty mentor for ongoing academic advising, assistance developing a plan for academic graduate study, and for guidance throughout the research project.
  • Participate in a research skills seminar specifically designed for McNair Scholars.
  • Receive support services via academic seminars, assessments, tutoring services, and GRE preparation.
  • Visit graduate schools during your second year in program.[1]
  • Attend local, regional, and national conferences to present research.[2]
  • Receive financial education and counseling including: individual financial counseling services, a money management seminar, and a seminar on graduate and doctoral program funding alternatives.
  • Receive assistance applying to graduate schools. 


Application Now Available

We welcome Sophmores and Juniors from all undergraduate majors to apply.  Our first deadline is October 4, 2024 and our final Fall deadline is October 25, 2024.



[1] At the discretion of the McNair Program Director, travel funds are awarded to McNair Scholars who complete program requirements.

[2] Conference travel funds are awarded to McNair Scholars on a competitive basis and at the discretion of the McNair Program Director.
