Becoming who you are. Cultivating what you do.

Zig Zag Paths

Many career paths are not linear or flawless. They are complex and unpredictable. Envision your career as a winding road with many bumps along the way where reflection and discernment are critical.

Winding Road

Below you will find different career path scenarios based on real situations and real people. Their interests are listed first in order to show multiple identities, skills, limitations, or values that are useful to explore when trying to find a career that will suit you at various times in your life.

At Cal Lutheran, if you discover a passion that utilizes your natural abilities and strengths and you are helping the world while doing this (even if it is in some small way) we call that vocation.

Johnny's Journey

Interests: Sports, Travel, Environmental Issues, and Video Games

  • Johnny enters college as Environmental Science Major.
  • At first, things are going well, but then he receives a D on an exam and his confidence plummets. He is not sure if he should change his major or continue on this path.
  • Bump in the Road
  • He interacts with his Faculty Advisor and he meets a counselor at career services on campus.
  • Johnny changes to a Business Administration Major with an Environmental Science Minor after reviewing the careers and classes associated with this path.
  • Johnny joins a club on campus to meet more people and to improve his leadership skills.
Words of Wisdom

Campus involvement looks great on a resume! Being active and involved on campus helps you build social support and meet new people. Activities such as sports have many benefits that include improving your motivation, drive, learning to work with teams, exercise (which keeps the mind sharp), and building leadership skills,

  • Johnny visits his campus career services office and takes career assessments to uncover more about his values, personality, skills, and interests. He goes over his results with a career counselor.

Erica’s Exploration

Interests: Science, Writing, Social Justice, Religion

  • Erica enters college and selects a Pre-Medicine major, with a Sociology minor.
  • She secures a campus job as a summer writing camp instructor.
Words of Wisdom

A part-time Work Study campus job is a great way to gain experience while decreasing your costs for college. Try to apply for Work Study jobs that relate to your interests or career goals. This enables you to learn about the workplace. In your last three semesters in college, it is critical to do an internship off campus to help you break into your chosen field. Make a good impression on your supervisor and maintain a positive relationship with them because a future employer will call them for a reference.

  • Bump in the Road
  • She decides to study abroad in Spain
Words of Wisdom

Studying abroad provides a new perspective on life and widens your worldview, which can help you to embrace life's complexities and become more culturally curious. This can help you adjust better to the diverse workplaces you will be working in.

Roberto’s Road

Interests: Business, Food, Photography/Videography, and Fitness

  • Roberto enters in college as a Business Administration major with an emphasis in Marketing.
  • Roberto starts his physical therapy and after some time off, he returns to college.
Words of Wisdom

It is important to seek out and consult resources on campus, such as student success counselors, career counselors, and faculty mentors who can help you when you need it.
