Calendar of Events

Las Californias Indígenas: A Short History of Three Californias
Dean’s Speaker Series

Overton Hall

Historian Damon Akins will discuss alternative narratives centering Native Californians, a population that outnumbered Californios 30:1 throughout the Mexican period, 1821-1850.

Senior Capstone Showcase
One-act plays

Black Box Studio Theatre

Come check out the awesome projects our California Lutheran University students have been working on at their Senior Capstone Showcase.

Afternoon Organ Recital Series
Adán Fernandez

Samuelson Chapel

University organist Adán Fernandez presents an Afternoon Organ Recital.

“Pachappa Camp: The First Koreatown in the United States”
History Lecture Series

Ullman Conference Center 100/101

Edward T. Chang, PhD, will discuss the first Koreatown in the United States, which is in Southern California.

Vacation Homes, Enchanted Family Memories and Inequalities
Michelle Janning, PhD

Swenson Center for Social and Behavioral Sciences, Room 101

Sociologist Michelle Janning, PhD, will present research findings from her new book and discuss how family vacation homes are a compelling site to examine social roles, relationships and social inequalities.

Creative Evolution
Dance concert

Preus-Brandt Forum

This new kind of dance concert will be filled with student experimentation. Watch the creativity of our students and see how their dances have evolved over time.

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