Writing, Voice and Tone

What we say and how we say it is important. While our message is the content and information we're communicating, our voice is in the tone we use — whether it's spoken, written, or visual. It makes our message more approachable and gives it personality. Here's how to do it well.

Know who we are

These are our “adjectives” — they define how we would like people to describe us.  We don't generally use these words in communication, but they set the tone for our messaging (and actions).


Committed, Supportive, Nurturing

We dedicate ourselves to helping each and every student discover and pursue their life’s purpose in an environment of academic excellence.


Well-rounded, Involved, Cosmopolitan

We encourage our students to engage with the world, exploring and embracing the rich diversity of culture, thought and experience from our campus in Southern California and beyond.


Wise, Insightful, Broad-Minded

By thoroughly and deeply exploring issues of intellect and faith, we attain a rich and enlightened understanding of our professions, our society and our world.

Show some personality

We're an institution that comprises thousands of open-minded individuals. But the fact that we value many perspectives doesn't mean we can't have a distinct personality. Whenever you speak or write as Cal Lutheran, keep in mind our personality and tone — engaged, dedicated, and enlightened.

Prove we're engaged

When talking about the Cal Lutheran community, remember to be an active participant. That means doing more than reporting the facts. Instead, tell a story that illustrates what makes us special.

When we talk about our people or our culture, don't just tell the audience what's happening. Show them firsthand the passion and purpose that drive our university. 

Show we're dedicated

Each of us is dedicated to finding place and purpose in the world. When you're writing, show that commitment by using authentic language that reflects real conversation.

The more genuine you allow yourself to be, the more you'll naturally articulate what makes Cal Lutheran special.

Sound enlightened

Being open to other perspectives requires that we write in an enlightened way. That doesn't mean we use big words just to sound academic. It means showing respect and compassion for the individuals and perspectives that make up our community.

Each of us — students, faculty, staff, and alumni — is on a unique educational journey at Cal Lutheran, and learning requires acceptance. That spirit of open-mindedness should be woven into what we write. 

Be correct

Use a consistent style

The Cal Lutheran Stylebook establishes our editorial style for written communication and terminology that we use as a university. 

Get the Stylebook

Use the right name

One of the challenges for Cal Lutheran is that our name is long and not well-known outside of our local region. Being consistent in how we refer to the university is  important to helping us build awareness. 

University Names

Tips for writing well

Good writing is challenging. All communications should fit the message, the audience and the medium. Here are some tips to help guide writing in the university voice. 

Writing Tips
