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Cal Lutheran Students Attend European Innovation Academy

In July, students Khasanjon Bobokhojaev, Cesar Lorenzo Mendoza, Simran Pimenta, Allison PineElaine Vo, and Sarah Zavala attended the European Innovation Academy in Porto, Portugal, thanks to a generous Dave and Dawn Gross sponsorship from the Dorfman Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. At the finals, Sarah Zavala's team (Azalea) was recognized as one of the top 10 of 90 teams presenting in the finals. As one of only four students, Sarah also won an individual award from the City of Porto, Portugal, a 3-month participation in the city's cityexperiment program! Allison Pine's team, BluueZone Botttles won a special prize, the Ed Quinones Spark Award for overall innovation. What a great reason to celebrate our awesome Entrepreneurship students!

