Forward Together

Cal Lutheran CERF Holds its 2025 Annual Ventura County Economic Forecast

On February 20, our Center for Economic Research and Forecasting (CERF) held its 2025 Annual Ventura County Economic Forecast (see photos below). More than 300 guests joined us at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza / Scherr Forum to hear the latest forecast from CERF Executive Director Matthew Fienup. While the economic futures for the US, California, and especially Ventura County are not the most promising, the delivery was perfect, and there was a lot of positive energy in the room to utilize the power of the community to address the challenges ahead. Or, in the words of guest keynote, Anthony Bradley (Acton Institute) - let's work towards human flourishing, paying it forward, and empowerment! Sincere thanks also go to President John Nunes for opening the event, and - of course - Dan Hamilton who worked on the forecast tirelessly behind the scenes as well as staff member Ashley Freas (supported by Rosie Baker, Hana Petr, and Alejandra Castillo).


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